Semi-Private Group Classes

Styku 3D Body Scanner

Semi-Private Fitness Training In Austin, TX

  • Detailed graphs show changes over time
  • Advanced reporting includes visceral fat, bone mass, and more.


Extract hundreds of measurements. 76% more precise than an expert tailor, and way easier.

3D Model

Rotate, pan, and zoom a full body model from a body scan. Visualize shape and landmarks.

Shape Analysis

Analyze a subjects profile, silhouette, and waist-to-hip ratio. View asymmetries in shape.

Track Progress

Chart your key measurements over time. Keep your clients, patients, and members motivated.

Fat Analysis

More consistent than traditional methods, such as calipers and BIA and possible even DEXA (currently under scientific review)

Risk Assessment

Track risk of obesity related disease using waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, and body fat.

Goal Setting

Meet fat loss goals by setting desired weight loss, burn rate, and activity level.

Scan Rates

Scan – $50
Two Scan – $89