Featured Testimonials

I worked out at Marlow's Fitness for 5 years and I was in the best shape of my life! Marlow's methods and workout structures are so effective. Since moving away from Austin, I have yet to be able to accomplish the same fitness level on my own. I miss Marlow's Fitness so much!! Not only that but Marlow facilitates community with his carefully planned group circuits and yearly fitness contests (aka Marlow's Movement). I have met some amazing humans at Marlow's gym, some of which are now very close friends. Marlow is a visionary, with his trajectory set on helping as many people as he can raise their health and fitness quotient to enhance quality of life. He always says "I just want you to be happy!"...that says it all.


When I met Marlow over 11 years ago I was looking for someone to inspire me and hold me accountable to getting back into shape. I found what I was looking for. Under Marlow's guidance and coaching, I safely gained upper body strength, started running again after a 25 year hiatus, and became truly physically fit. Thanks to Marlow, my life changed for the better.
